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tv   NBC 10 News Today at 600a  NBC  April 8, 2015 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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temperatures. let's go to brittney shipp. hey, britt. yesterday we were warm but today we're dealing with showers and temperatures are much colder than what we saw yesterday. well below our average for this time of the year. we are also dealing with breezy conditions which means it's a windchill factor when you step outside. most of the temperatures feel like the 30s. but right now conditions are feeling like rain moving into parts of dover and just along the shoreline to continue heading into the rest of today. the current temperatures are at 45 degrees. and northeast philly 44. 42 in mount holly. low 40s in atlantic city. and 44 currently in dover. and as we head into the next couple of hours, you will notice temperatures don't move much. we are in the mid to high-40s today. 45 degrees by 8:00 a.m. by 11:00 a.m. more showers in philadelphia. 46 degrees. and mostly cloudy skies by 2:00 p.m. with temperatures at 47. i'm also tracking warmer weather as we head into the end of the workweek. plus we'll dry out pushing closer to the weekend. i'll go over the details in my
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seven-day forecast. for now we'll go to christine maddela. good morning. good morning to you brittney. on interstate 95 in woodhaven road within the past ten minutes, this is the ramp to woodhaven road off 95 with a tow truck and a disabled vehicle moving out of the way and they just cleared that. it is not slowing you down any more. the tacony-palmyra bridge is opening to let a ship pass. all the other bridges are clear. we just found an accident in lower merion mill creek road where crews are on the scene there. if you are heading out to mass transit, everything else is on or close to schedule. new from overnight, the driver who tried to run from the scene of this crash in philadelphia is sitting behind bars this morning. the driver hit a big pothole at the intersection of cumberland and tulip in kensington. that's when they say the driver lost control and crashed into a parked car, which then smashed into two other vehicles. and new from overnight, a car crashed into an abandoned
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building injuring two people there around 11:30 at market and wood streets in bristol, bucks county. the car glanced off the porch of a house and then smashed into a building across the street. we are told the victims should be okay. no word yet on why the driver lost control of his car. and important issues and the scary moment for one of the candidates. those are the story lines from last night's philadelphia mayoral debate. nbc 10 brought it to you live. and nbc 10's keith jones has a recap. >> welcome to live coverage from the kimmel center on broad street. >> reporter: a scary moment 12 minutes into the first philadelphia mayoral debate. a sound of former district attorney lynne abraham be fainting. the debate stops. >> a very nice gentleman jumped up on the stage and the producer for nbc so 10. i said to the doctor i want to get up and he said i don't think so.
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>> reporter: the drop is the sudden drop in blood pressure and she didn't sustain any lasting injuries. >> it's a little embarrassing, but i fell gracefully, which is all i can say. jim rosenfield couldn't be nicer. >> so we are going to continue on with the remaining five candidates. the hour-long debate continued without her covering education. >> you have to terminate that reform commission. you have to give the schools back to the parents and let the parents do the guidance and give local control and hold the mayor accountable. >> regardless of what neighborhood you live in how much money you live in what coast surrounds you, the billion move for poverty is against politicians. >> reporter: the city's changing workforce -- >> this is the first of many cities that don't have access to quality pre-k. you have to change the generation of people based on readers and achievers and do that by getting kids at that age ready for school. >> reporter: reforming the 4% wage tax -- >> at the end of the day we can talk about it. we can talk about it and talk
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about it and we have but until we address that issue, we'll have difficulty attracting businesses to the city. >> reporter: and a lightning up round of q&a. >> i have a plan to make it safe for senior citizens to go to the grocery store without getting robbed. i have a plan to keep them safe in the schools. >> reporter: keith jones, "nbc 10 news." >> one republican is running for philadelphia mayor, businesswoman melissa murray bailey. the republican party said, with respect to tonight's debate we saw the same pandering. our city is broke, our schools are broken and we are taxing ourselves out of competition. but rather than new ideas and a clear vision for the future one look at the stage showed a philadelphia of the past. and you can count on nbc 10 for in-depth coverage of the race for philadelphia mayor on and the "nbc 10 news" app. you can read about all the candidates including their responses to questions that nbc 10's jim rosenfield asked about education, taxes and crime.
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one of the big topics at last night's debate was the philadelphia school budget crisis. the students are addressing it in the unique way. matt delucia is live at the national constitution center. matt, what is this about and what are the creators of this program saying will come of this? >> reporter: actors were hired to play the role of student, parents and teaches and how they feel about the education system. it sounds simple enough and entertaining, but the creators say it is very serious. taking pennsylvania's education issues to the stage. actors have been rehearsing not to play fictional roles, but real ones. parents, teaches and students. >> i thought, why are more people not really upset about what is happening with our schools and our collective kids? >> reporter: authors got the idea two years ago after seeing students protest in harrisburg. they wanted to get beyond the
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numbers of statistics and show people that triumphs and struggles. >> theater can do some things that like a documentary can't quite do. and one of the things that theater, that really good theater can do is pose a problem and a question in a human way. >> reporter: a long road from the capitol to the constitution center. the creators collected more than 100 interviews and that's a lot of different stories. >> i love using theater to start a dialogue. >> reporter: actor jaylene clark owens is portraying 11 different characters. >> this is exciting. >> reporter: the authors say the school play doesn't offer solutions, rather meant to showcase the problems. >> it wouldn't hurt if some political leaders saw it. it wouldn't be the worst thing.
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i don't know if they saw it if it would change their mind, but i would hope so. >> reporter: here's the thing, there were 400 tickets for the two shows, one tonight and one tomorrow. they are sold out. those are free tickets and now the plan is to spread this play to other parts of the state so more people can see it. live in independence mall matt delucia, "nbc 10 news." and it is 6:07. a murder trial begins today for one of three people accused of killing a philadelphia man. today keith tolbert will appear in court for his alleged role in the murder of francis zardeky. his body was found decomposing in the river missing several parts and trashput in a trash bag. and radnor police say shawn moses used a cell phone to film girls changing in forever 21 and express and then uploaded the videos to a porn site.
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authorities say they are investigating a threat made against law enforcement in the case of a man who died in police custody. yesterday the group anonymous posted online the names of officers who they claim were involved in the death of phillip white. the group threatened cyber attacks against the vineland police department and the cumberland county prosecutor's office. white died in the custody of police after they responded to a disorderly person call. 911 and radio transmissions give the incident more context. >> 911 where is your emergency? >> yeah there's some guy freaking out on the street here. >> and what is he doing? >> he's screaming out there. i don't know what the hell is wrong with him. >> guy's trying to grab my gun! >> guys, have the units slow down. he's in cuffs. >> officers called more medical help as white had trouble breathing. many witnesses say they punched and kicked him while he was in
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cuffs. the prosecutor's office is investigating. good wednesday morning to you. we're going to see our temperatures stay a lot colder today than what we saw yesterday. it was a really nice start to the, with you canoith workweek. we are dealing with showers today. so a cold and wet day for us. all the showers continue on and off throughout the day, so keep the umbrella handy and make sure to deal with your thicker jacket heading out the door because the actual temperatures are in the 40s. but the feels-like temperature this morning is in the 30s. 37 degrees in mount pocano. 44 in allentown. 43 degrees in pottstown. millville at 42. but the feels-like temperature for philadelphia is 38. it's 35 in atlantic city. and 37 degrees in mount holly. our average for this time of the year, 61 degrees. yesterday we were well above the average. could see a high of 69. now heading into the rest of today, that's a big drop.
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25 degrees as we head into your wednesday. the mid-40s for today and heading into tomorrow. the good news is by friday we will see warmer temperatures returning back to the 70s. but we are also tracking a chance of thunderstorms as we head into friday as well. as far as today is concerned, expect breezy conditions. much colder than yesterday. patchy light rain throughout most of the day. then our temperatures range between 43 and 47 degrees. coming up in ten minutes, i'll take a closer look at your seven-day forecast and let you know how much we'll warm up heading into the end of the workweek and what is in store for your weekend. it is 6:10. and commuters this morning are going to look at the wet roads out there. >> christine maddela has been watching the roads to see if there are detours needed this morning. >> a lot of green on the map, 95 is the usual culprit that starts to slow down at 6:00. that's what we are starting to see, a bit of the slowdown in that area. and here you can see a live
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picture at 95 at girard with increased volume there. overall, your drive times won't be too bad at this hour but will continue to slow down. lower merion at mill creek road we have an accident to be aware of. there's the slowdown starting 16 minutes on the southbound side of 95 to the woodhaven road to the vine street expressway. and one bucks county police department is encouraging people to drink. it's not a trap. you can help the department by getting drunk on their time. we'll explain. also meet culinary students in our area taking time outside the classroom to make meals to fight cancer.
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p it is 6:15. today students and staff will celebrate delaware valley
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college becoming a university. they will unveil their vision for the future at a ceremony this morning. it will be required to offer a minimum of five professional master degrees and a doctorate. well some culinary students from drexel university are helping cancer patients one healthy meal at a time. katy zachry is live to give us a special look inside their food lab. katy tell us more. >> reporter: hi tracy. these students are taking healthy alternatives so patients with cancer can enjoy them. inside drexel university's food lab there's more happening than just cooking for class. these students are making recipes for cancer patients and survivors. >> it's very easy to follow a recipe and cook something delicious. it's much harder to problem solve and apply the knowledge. >> reporter: that's exactly what onjonathan george asked of their
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students creating recipes for the nonprofit cook for your life. they are healthy, low-fat, low-calorie alternatives to comfort foods that cancer patients can enjoy. the students then keep the recipes at the hope lodge where many patients stay during treatment. >> it's good. it's a lot of fun. we are happy to help. >> reporter: ally zeit used her love of greek yogurt to make healthier desserts for patients. >> our goal is to see if welcome expand this. >> reporter: this program does exist right now in other cities but it's the first time culinary students here in philadelphia have taken part. so let me tell you, the recipes, they are very tasty. i got to taste-test them go. to our "nbc 10 news" app to find the recipes to cook for yourself. reporting live in university city katy zachry "nbc 10 news". happening today, a health and wellness fair at mercy
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university where attendees can get counseling and tune-ups for spring. more than 20 different vendors are expected there at 10:00 this, mo. and the philadelphia v.a. medical center still has work to do to reduce wait times for veterans. the associated press looked at numbers over the last six months to find the philadelphia v.a. had 7,000 patients who waited 30 days for an appointment to exceed the national average. the hospital offers specialized treatment to lead to longer wait times. but they are making changes to reduce the numbers. it is 6:17. if you like to drink, this may be for you. the bucks county police department needs 20 volunteers to take drinks under supervision to help officers conduct field sobriety tests. if interested call the newtown police. people in chester county say
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texting 911 will help people with hearing and speech impairment and also if the person is unable or afraid to talk. text messages may be more likely to reach operators, but officials say to still try to call 911 first. >> chester county is the first of the counties in the region to accept the program. >> just don't dial 911 while driving on the roads. pull over to the side of the roads. or no texting and driving. take a look at lower merion i was watching this accident that cleared on mill creek road and glenn road. that's good news for drivers in that area. taking a look at 76 things are starting to pick up at this hour. increased volume on the schuylkill at the conshohocken curve both eastbound and westbound. and if you're heading out on the 42 freeway, here's a live look at drive times. five minutes on northbound 55 to the walt whitman bridge.
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about the same heading in the southbound direction. elsewhere, we'll get a look at drive times where we are starting to see the slowdown on 95 southbound from woodhaven road to the vine street expressway to take you 19 minutes. still a green light on the schuylkill and 422. good morning. it's not going to feel like spring over the next couple of days. temperatures dropping back down to the mid-40s for today and tomorrow. plus, we're tracking an unsettled weather pattern that is going to give us showers today, tomorrow even thunderstorms by friday. those cold days will stick around for another two days. and it will start to dry out just in time for the weekend. a live look outside right now at philadelphia, the sun continues to come up. mostly cloudy skies. 44 degrees with the humidity up to 85%. the feels-like temperature is at 38 with the wind speeds gusting to 21 miles an hour. across the rest of the region 44 in reading. 43 in it whos pottstown.
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stone harbor temperatures at 44. in the low 40s in millville. but the feels-like temperature in millville is like the mid-30s. a big difference from yesterday. the feels-like temperature in atlantic city is at 35 degrees. and our 24-hour temperature change shows it is 18 degrees colder in dover this morning than this time yesterday. we're down 16 degrees in philadelphia. and as we head into the rest of the afternoon, our actual temperature will be about 25 degrees colder. so you will notice a difference heading into the rest of today. cold and wet on this wednesday. you can see the scattered showers moving into parts of dover, cape may county just to the south of maurice river. cloudy skies in vineland. on and off showers throughout the rest of today. 3:00 p.m. thursday, moderate rainfall moving in. then friday overnight, another round of moderate rainfall. and that is going to give way to heavy rainfall and pockets of thunderstorms as we head into your friday evening commute time. so keep that in mind making your
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plans winding down the workweek. the seven-day forecast shows temperatures in the mid-40s today and tomorrow. back to the 70s on friday. take a look at saturday/sunday, back to the 60s with plenty of sunshine. and happening today, the philadelphia zoo will preview the new art exhibit based around recycled materials. 12 artists crafted animal-inspired sculptures from unlikely items like spark plugs, plastic bottles and cardboard boxes. you can view the pieces of art and learn how to make a difference for a wildlife and habitat. the exhibit called second nature runs this weekend through the end of october. the deal is done. the revel casino will reopen sooner than you might think. and pocketing the loose change. all the pennies, nickments mentmentels and dimes add up and the tsa is cashing in.
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when you go through security
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at the airport, there's something many of you americans may forget about that's adding up fast. the tsa says people removed loose change from their pockets at the airport screening checkpoints and forget to claim it down on the other side. that money is documented and turned into the tsa financial office. and then the agency gets suspended on security operations. last year that pocket change added up to nearly $675,000. and at philadelphia international airport, we left behind almost $7,000 in change. 6:25. things are starting to slow down on interstate 95 on the southbound side. here's a live look at girard avenue. you can see your drive times from woodhaven road to the vine street expressway to take you 23 minutes. and it's going to slow down more heading into the morning commute. if you are heading out, you will see some wet weather, especially down the shore. we can see that in our live picture at cape may. it's pretty soggy out there and
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chilly brittney? a cold and wet wednesday for you with temperatures in the mid-40s today and tomorrow. we will warm up heading into friday and the weekend. as far as today is concerned, temperatures range between 43 and 47. breezy, much colder than yesterday. we were close to 70 degrees yesterday. patchy, light rain expected to continue on and off throughout the day and breezy conditions starting us off with windchills in the mid-30s today. i amtraking the changes in my seven-day forecast. vai? and a routine traffic stop in south carolina ends in the death of an unarmed man. and a police officer is charged with murder. next, the cell phone video that changed everything. i'm nbc 10's monique braxton live in old city where the forum held last night is overshadowed by the collapse of one of the candidates. we'll tell you why after the break.
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it is 6:30 wednesday morning. the latest black eye for police in race relations. a white officer charged with murder after shooting an unrmed a black man in south carolina. you'll see the video that led to this officer's arrest. it's a little embarrassing but i fell gracefully which is all i can say. >> philadelphia mayoral candidate lynne abraham makes light of a collapse during a live televised democratic debate. but it was a moment that stole the spotlight. and it's going to feel more like winter than spring today. temperatures take a plunge. we'll tell you how long these cold temperatures are going to stick around today. good morning, welcome to "nbc 10 news today." i'm vai sikahema. >> i'm tracy davidson. 44 degrees and a lot cooler than yesterday. we'll find more about the cool weather and the rain with brittney shipp and her forecast. anywhere between 10 to 15 or
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18 degrees colder this morning than yesterday morning. so keep that in mind as you step outside. a live look at how dreary it looks this wednesday. heading into the afternoon, our temperatures are still going to feel like we're in winter. it will feel like closer to the higher 30s. 45 degrees is the high for us today in philadelphia. so don't look at the windchill because of the breezy conditions moving in from the northeast. right now we are seeing a few isolated showers mainly in cape may and parts of atlantic city and into dover. on and off showers are expected today and temperatures are in philadelphia, 44 degrees. take a look at the feels-like temperature at 38. winds out of the east/northeast at 12 miles per hour. gusting up to 21. over the next few hours at 11:00 a.m. spotty showers in philadelphia with temperatures at 46. by 2:00 p.m. 47 degrees. and we will stay well below average throughout the day and into tomorrow. but i am tracking dryer and warmer conditions in my seven-day forecast we'll go over that in just a bit, but for now we'll check on the first alert traffic reporter christine
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maddela. good morning. good morning. things are starting to stack up at this hour. normal for the morning commute. taking a live look at interstate 76, this is the westbound side right at city avenue. this is where the lanes merge. so it is slowing down in that direction. overall, we'll take a look at travel times. we're getting yellow lights now on all of our normal problem spots. 26 minutes is your drive time from woodhaven road to the vine street expressway. traveling on 76 on the eastbound side, this is going to take you 18 minutes from the blue route to the vine. and in montgomery county also starting to slow down on 422 approaching the schuylkill expressway. the bridges are in the clear. so that's good news. septa, a few train lines have seen some delays so you want to check before you go. new jersey transit and patco are on or close to schedule. this morning in south carolina a white police officer is charged with the murder of a black man after cell phone video shows the officer shooting the unarmed man in the back. and nbc news is reporting protests expected there today. chris cato has the latest live from the digital operations
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center. chris? >> reporter: south carolina's governor is now weighing in. governor nicki hailey saying the shooting as it appears on this video is unacceptable. and we are about to watch you the video. we have to warning you, the images and the sound may be disturbing. eight gunshots we froze the video just before the man fell. this happened saturday in north charleston, south carolina. after the officer pulled over walter scott for a broken taillight, authorities say the officer hit scott with a taser and then shot him. five of the bullets hitting scott in the back. and then handcuffed him. and here is video of that officer slager appearing in court yesterday via video feed from jail. he was arrested less than an hour after the video was shown to police. a judge ordered him held without bail. if convicted, he could face 30 years to life in prison. >> it is not reflective of this
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entire police department or the city of charleston. >> we have all seen the video. it was a video where we know the truth. >> the officer claims scott took his taser and the officer feared for his life. the video does not show scott taking the taser. the justice department and the fbi are also reviewing the shooting. walter scott was a 50-year-old father of four a veteran of the u.s. coast guard. his family attorney said that if he ran from the officer, if he did resist arrest it may have been because he owed child support. that's an offense to send you to prison in south carolina. but he has no violent offensives on his record. live in the digital operations center, chris cato "nbc 10 news." happening today, a philadelphia judge will decide if the teens will stand trial for killing a man who was out walking his dog. brandon smith and tyson hamilton face a preliminary hearing on charges of murder and robbery.
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the boys are accused of shooting and killing james stollman in overbrook. the teens were playing basketball nearby when they decided to try to rob someone. and a philadelphia man is facing charges after police say he shot his dad in the head on i-76 in montgomery county. the 22-year-old man was in the backseat and shot his father driving the car. this all happened during the evening rush hour near the conshohocken exit. the man's mother was also in the car but not hurt. the drivers were stuck in traffic for hours after police shut down the westbound lanes of the schuylkill expressway to investigate. >> that's apalling and i'm stunned right now to know that is the reason why the traffic was so bad. >> the 42-year-old father is in critical but stable condition. police are now trying to determine the motive for the shooting. and the sixth democratic candidates for philadelphia mayor had their first debate under their belts. you saw it live here on nbc 10
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last night. jim rosenfield moderated this at the kimmel center. questions and answers covered education, jobs taxes and crime. the candidates plan to attend a forum at the national museum of jewish history later this morning. now politics aside, another issue at the debate made headlines last night. nbc 10's monique braxton is live in old city. tell us more about what has everybody talking this morning. >> reporter: no doubt everybody is talking about it tracy. in less than hand hour the mayoral candidates will begin to arrive here for the build phillies forum at the national museum of american jewish history. this is what folks are talking about, the former district attorney lynne abraham early in the televised debate on nbc 10 she fainted. the 74-year-old who was the only female democrat says she was advised not to return to her podium. and here's what she had to say after that hour-long debate. >> i believe i had just a sudden
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drop in blood pressure which is what the doctor said. sometimes these things happen it has never happened before and it happened an an inopportune time i regret to say. >> reporter: abraham also waved a thumbs-up signaling she's okay, but some political analysts say abraham's collapse may pressure her to release her medical records. and while you were sleeping i read other reviews. one other political analyst said he's questioning how does abraham explain she's healthy and can handle the pressures of the job? the referenced debate begins in about an hour. and we'll have it for you and all the live and heated conversation at 11:00. live for now from old city monique braxton, "nbc 10 news." >> you can count on nbc 10 for in-depth coverage of the race for philadelphia mayor. go to or the "nbc 10 news" app to read up on all the candidates including their responses to the questions last night asked about education,
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taxes and crime. and happening today, delaware's attorney general and wilmington police will hear from the public about ways to improve the new foot patrol project. the patrols have been active during the evenings for the past month with six officers stationed in high crime areas of the city. meanwhile, the mayor of wilmington is talking to neighbors about growing gun violence in the city. yesterday mayor dennis williams walked along neighborhoods recently hit by violent crime. it was all handshakes and selfies until he met dorothy whose grandson was murdered over the weekend. >> maybe you aught to do something. you haven't done nothing. >> we are going to combat this thing together. nobody is trying to ride in here on their hat and save the city of wilmington. we are going to do our job. >> the mayor says he's fighting to make the city safe and his latest plan operation disrupt has cut down on crime. it is 6:38 and 44 degrees outside. in the atlantic city casino crisis the city council tonight is expected to approve rezoning
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the old showboat casino so stockton university can use it as a satellite campus. stockton bought the show boat but agreed to sell it because of the agreement requiring the property to only be used as a casino. if rezoning is approved it will prohibit showboat from being used as a casino and designate stockton as an education-related developer. the move can be challenged in court. we'll keep you posted. and a revel deal became official yesterday. glenn straub closed on the sale paying $2 million for the casino hotel that costs about $2.5 billion to build. straub sealed the deal after four earlier attempts failed. his lawyers say that he wants to reopen the casino this summer. good morning. we are going to see a cold and wet wednesday for your temperatures to stay well below average. only staying in the mid-40s today.
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and a closer look at the radar shot shows isolated showers moving through cape may. we'll continue to see light showers throughout the day and colder temperatures. our actual temperatures in the pocanos are in the mid-30s. trenton and millville, 42. 43 in inmount pocano. we'll continue to see light rainfall throughout the day. temperatures at lunchtime are still in the low to mid-40s. same thing for millville, philadelphia atlantic city to dover. that's going to be the trend as we head into the rest of the day. and really heading into tomorrow as well, we'll see another round of showers, light rain, and then by friday we are tracking thunderstorms. but our temperatures will start to recover heading back into the 70s. as we push into friday as far as thursday is concerned, we'll see similar conditions once again. our average this time of the year is 61 degrees. it felt like spring to kickoff the workweek. but heading into today, we're
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going to drop back down into the 40s. same thing as we push into thursday with temperatures at 44 degrees. again, we will recover heading into friday but as far as today is concerned, breezy and much colder. patchy light rain on and off throughout the day with temperatures ranging between 43 and 47 degrees. coming up in ten minutes, i'll go over the seven-day forecast to let you know what is in store for the workweek heading into the weekend. and 6:41 time to get another check at mass transit and the roads. we see a lot of orange and red out there. >> we'll find out where with first alert traffic reporter christine maddela. >> we have normal trouble spots for the morning commute right here along the schuylkill expressway both eastbound and westbound. we are seeing some reds and slowdowns. then 95 on the southbound expressway we do have a camera in that area showing that slowdown here on the southbound side especially at state road. so just be careful as you head out. checking on your drive times, we're getting yellow lights already. 31 minutes southbound from
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woodhaven road to the vine street expressway. if you are on the schuylkill it will take you 21 minutes from the blue route to the vine and also slowing down on 422 in montgomery county. if you are heading on new jersey roads right now, interstate 295 and the new jersey turnpike and the 42 freeway, there are pockets of volume but nothing mayor to slow you down. vai? a lehigh county mother is murdered and her daughter is charged as an adult. just ahead, why the eighth grader's attorney is asking that her case be moved to juvenile court and who he says is the real mastermind behind the crime. and making history in ferguson missouri. the first election since the deadly shooting of an unarmed african-american teen by a white police officer. the political body of the city is changing.
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happening today, lower merion township officials will talk about policing and race. they will follow-up on this video or a still picture taken by a neighbor showing police detaining two african-american men shoveling snow. police released figures showing the racial arrests in the township by race. we have a link to the report released yesterday. you can read it all on the "nbc 10 news" app or on >> that is racial profiling. and it has to stop. >> now that was from a meeting last month where citizens expressed concerns. the issue stemmed from a woman's complaint that police targeted men she hired to shovel snow because of their race. police say their officers acted properly. a lawyer representing the local 14-year-old accused of convincing her boyfriend to kill her mother says she did not mastermind the plan. jamie silverneck faces
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conspiracy charges and murder charges after kayla barnes stabbed her mother in the neck. the girl's lawyer say the text messages released are a fraction of the messages released between the defendants. >> i want to go through the texts to see what she meant by them. they do sound damning at times and we have to deal with those. kayla barnes was controlling her. she's not able to control him. an eighth grader doesn't control a 20-year-old soldier. >> he's asking the court for jamie silverneck to be charged as a juvenile and to be moved to the juvenile facility. and a burlington county mother accused of setting her baby on fire shortly after giving birth is indicted on murder charges. investigators say kimberly dorvilier doused the newborn with accelerant and set her on fire back in january. the baby girl was found in the
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side of a road after officers received a call about a fire. she died at the hospital. if the woman is convicted, she could face life without parole. a jury resumes deliberations in the boston marathon bombing trial. dzhokhar tsarnaev is accuse of planning and executing the 2013 bombings, but the defense says his older dead brother tamerlan was the mastermind behind the attack. and two men are charged with providing support to members of isis. one of the suspects is a member of the national guard. and chicago mayor rahm emanuel solidifies another four years in office. emmanuel faced a showdown in the city's first ever runoff election after failing to achieve a majority against four other candidates in february's election. the former white house chief of staff won the race with 55% of all votes. the voters in ferguson
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missouri elected two african-american candidates. the city council and now for the first time ever african-americans control half of the council seats. this is the first election since michael brown, the african-american teenager was shot and killed by a white police officer. that put ferguson at the center of a national conversation about race and policing. a family of eight killed by carbon monoxide poisoning wasn't seen for nine days before investigators found them dead in their maryland home. authorities confirmed the seven children and their father died after he left a generator running in the home's kitchen. the investigators say all the children appeared to be sleeping at the time of their death. and the national transportation safety board said they had no immediate word on what caused the small plane to crash in central illinois killing seven people. the passengers were returning from the ncaa championship basketball game when the plane went down near the bloomington airport yesterday morning. the ntsb says there was fog yesterday but it's not clear if that was the factor in the
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crash. good wednesday morning to you. heading into today, temperatures stay below average in the mid-40s. we're also tracking a wet, unsettled pattern to affect us straight through friday. a cold day today and tomorrow. but we'll start to dry out as we head into the weekend. a live look outside right now at philadelphia. you can see mostly cloudy skies. 44 degrees, although we are dry in philadelphia right now. we're still seeing showers moving through parts of cape may county. the feels-like temperature is 38 degrees. it's going to feel cold when we step outside. winds out of the east/northeast at 12 miles an hour gusting up to 21 miles an hour. across the region, 43 degrees in trenton. 42 in mount holly. 44 in reading. 41 in glassboro ch. temperatures in atlantic city 43 degrees. 44 in dover. feels like 38 in pottstown. 39 in northeast philly.
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38 degrees in philadelphia. and it feels like it's just 34 degrees in millville. a closer look at the satellite radar shot showing cold and wet conditions. heading throughout today, on and off showers moving through atlantic city and cape may county. and they are moving through parts of the central and northern parts of delaware. so that's going to be the trend today. keep the umbrella handy. it will be light rainfall for the most part but as we head into thursday we'll see more of a moderate rainfall picking up. and definitely by friday you will notice some of the showers and downpours are going to be more organized. and it's going to be right around 4:00 p.m. unfortunately, that's when you are heading home from work on friday. we'll tell you what the expect as we wind down the rest of the workweek. for today, tomorrow and the mid-40s. 72 on friday. but it's going to cost us. thunderstorms are possible. saturday and sunday plenty of sunshine. dry and windy on saturday. brittney, thank you. nine minutes before 7:00 we'll check the roads so you know what to face when you head out there.
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>> his christine. >> slowing down on the westbound side of the schuylkill moving along slowly. yellow lights on 95 southbound from the woodhaven road to the vine street expressway to take you 32 minutes. 21 headed eastbound on the schuylkill from the blue route to the vine. 18 minutes approaching the schuylkill expressway. as we take a live look outside, if you are traveling on the blue route, the road conditions are looking pretty good. still getting the green light. 16 minutes between 95 and the schuylkill. vai? thank you, christine. we have breaking news into us. three u.s. troops have been shot in afghanistan. we are told an american delegation which included the u.s. ambassador to afghanistan was visiting kabul when an afghan army soldier shot the security team. the afghan official confirms the army soldier was shot and killed and three u.s. troops were wounded but we don't know the extent of their injuries.
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stay with nbc 10 for updates on this breaking news. and i'm monique braxton live in old city. a forum set to begin here in less than a half hour is about bidding the city roads, infrastructure and environment. but it may be overshadowed by the health of one of the mayoral candidates. we'll tell you what that is all about after the break.
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we have breaking news into nbc 10 on the scene of an apartment fire that broke out in a trash chute. we are told nobody is hurt. and the mayoral candidates
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are on their way here for the build philly forum at the national museum of american jewish history. many, no doubt, will be watching the former d.a. lynne abraham who fainted last night during the debate. the doctor advised her not to return to the podium. she said she had a sudden drop in blood pressure. despite abraham waving a thumbs-up signaling she's okay overnight i've seen some the reviews from political analysts reacting to her collapse. one said she may be pressured to release medical records. another questions, how does abraham explain she's healthy and can handle the pressures of the job? well, the debate regarding the environment, infrastructure and land use begins here at the museum at about 7:30. we'll have all the highlights for you coming up at 11:00. live for now in old city, monique braxton, "nbc 10 news." and i'm matt delucia live on
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independence mall tonight a performance called school play may be not what you think, a group of actors have been working for the past few months crafting performances from more than 100 interviews done with parents, students and teachers in pennsylvania. they are focusing on funding cuts and how this affects everyone. one of the authors says it is about starting a conversation in a different way. there are two performances tonight and tomorrow here at the national constitution center. the free show, however, is sold out. but correct they or thereators hope to have more performances statewide. matt delucia, "nbc 10 news." and at 6:58 we have an accident on the 42 freeway on the northbound side near interstate 295. but checking drive times, you can see the green light there near interstate 295. six minutes from route 55 to the walt whitman bridge on the 42
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freeway. also slowing down on 76. look at the westbound side at route 1. all jammed up there. take a look at drive times now getting a red light. 33 minutes on 95 southbound from woodhaven road to the vine street expressway. also pretty slow on 422 in montgomery county. and after hanging out in the 60s yesterday, take a look at the cold and wet day on this wednesday. you can see the dreary conditions there. and if you plan on heading out to the phillies game we'll see a northeast wind at 10 to 15 miles an hour. but temperatures by 7:00 p.m. at 42 degrees. cold and damp. same thing heading into your 9:00 hour. still in the low 40s. 41 degrees as we go to head home. the seven-day forecast shows a big change on the way. but it's not today. 43 to 47 degrees. much colder. patchy light rain on and off. heading into the seven-day forecast, we are back to the 70s by friday. but thunderstorms are expected. >> we'll take the temperature. that's spring. >> tracy and i are not happy we
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didn't get the red and black memo. >> i'm sorry. we didn't plan this. >> thank you. the "today" show is up next. we'll have a local update in 25 minutes. . good morning. murder? why police officers in south carolina shoots and kills an unarmed black suspect as he runs away. that officer now under arrest in the wake of this shocking video. we will talk to the victim's family. outbreak. storms from texas to pennsylvania today. hurricane force winds and massive hail and possible tornados expected. rand's run. >> we have come to take our country back. >> senator rand paul officially throws his hat into the presidential ring and is joini


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